The financial crisis of Ukrainians

We are proud of our country, the foundation of which is the people of Ukraine.

The people of Ukraine are the bravest, the most courageous, the most freedom-loving people.

That’s why our task is to make every Ukrainian confident in material stability.

The task is to make sure that all social and material guarantees are implemented without fail, not just words on the air or on a piece of paper.

We are confident that a new home should be built in place of every destroyed home, as well as that every family of a soldier who died for the freedom of Ukraine will receive proper reparations for the pain of their loss. We are sure that every Ukrainian who has lost his job deserves a new job and support, as well as that every soldier must be financially supported for bravery, for willpower, for courage, thanks to which Ukraine has not fallen and will never fall to its knees.

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